Celebrating Lean Day!

By Shark | Uncategorised | No Comments

Today, we’re thrilled to commemorate VT Garment’s Lean Day, a day that holds special significance in our journey towards continuous improvement and excellence.
Looking Back: A Legacy of Lean Excellence In 2008, we embarked on a transformative journey with Assistant Professor Vithinut Phakphonhamin as our guiding force, introducing Lean manufacturing principles to VT Garment. Fast forward to today, and Lean is not just a practice but an integral part of our organizational DNA. It defines what it means to be a part of the VT Garment family.
Golden Moments: Thailand Lean Award 2010 and 2017 Our commitment to Lean excellence has not gone unnoticed. VT Garment proudly clinched the golden awards at the Thailand Lean Award in both 2010 and 2017, a testament to our dedication and adherence to Lean principles.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words At VT Garment, we believe in the power of action. “If you never try, you will never know.” These words resonate deeply with us as we’ve consistently implemented Lean strategies, resulting in our highest efficiency since our founding in 1981. The results speak for themselves!
Celebrating Achievements, Honoring Projects Lean Day is not just a celebration; it’s a moment of reflection and recognition. Today, we honor the hard work, dedication, and collaborative efforts of our incredible team. Each project carried out in the past year has contributed to our collective success.
Looking to the Future As we revel in our achievements, we’re also setting our sights on the future. VT Garment remains committed to the principles of Lean manufacturing, driving innovation, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. The best is yet to come!
Cheers to Team VT Garment! To every member of our exceptional team, thank you for your hard work, dedication, and passion. Lean Day is a celebration of your achievements and a reminder that together, we can achieve greatness.

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